Thursday, November 26, 2015

Road to Justice: Steel

Directed by: Kenneth Johnson
Starring: Shaquille O'Neal, Annabeth Gish, Judd Nelson
Released: 1997
Watched: November 25th, 2015

Thoughts Before: I have no idea how a Steel movie got made in the 90's. Steel isn't a bad character, but he's never really done much aside from assist around Metropolis when Superman is away, and honestly, after four Superman movies that all left me disappointed and a just as bad Supergirl movie I'm a little nervous when it comes to movie's starring characters revolving around the man of steel's city of choice. I never saw this, and aside from having seen pictures of how terrible his armor looks I have no idea what to expect.

Thoughts After: My god. I don't even know what to say about this movie. It's all so simple and boring and just. What? Yes. That's the best way to describe my feelings towards this movie. What? After some leaving the military Shaq is looking for ways to help out his community. So he decides to craft some armor and a hammer and don the mantle of Steel to do so. His girlfriend (I assume) got injured and is now paralyzed from the waist down. And they need her help for some reason, so she joins up unwillingly. Training montage. His first mission on the town goes pretty well until the cops show up. He winds up barely managing to escape and I don't care I don't care I don't care. I don't remember what happened in what order. He beats up some big bad guy in town and he's the hero and he gets the girl and his mentor is all happy about it.

I don't want to spend anymore time thinking about or discussing this movie, but I have to say one thing. HE NEVER SWINGS HIS HAMMER. JOHN HENRY, SHAQUILLE O'STEEL, ARMED WITH A HAMMER USES IT EXCLUSIVELY AS A GUN! UGH!

On the subject of Steel as a character, I really enjoy him. If there are any good runs centering around him I'd love to check them out. Seriously all I've ever read about him are the times he's just helping Metropolis get along without a Superman, it's fucked because he's a pretty cool character honestly. Also, he doesn't look like fucking shit like in this movie!

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