Saturday, January 23, 2016

Freemium Perdition: Pocket Mortys

Pocket Mortys
Morty Collecting RPG
1 Player
System: Android
Developer: adult swim games
Year of Release: 2016

Rick and Morty was one of the many shows I was regrettably late to the party on watching. Luckily this meant that I had two full season to indulge myself with in one massive sitting. It was lovely. Season two didn't quite live up to the first for me (why did Rick stop stuttering so much?) but I'm here to talk about Pocket Mortys, not the show at large. This is a brilliant idea for a game based on this property. Rick travels through dimensions forcing his Morty to fight other Rick's (and various other aliens) going around collecting their own Mortys to fight with. Not only is it heavily inspired by, but it basically just rips off Pokemon wholesale. And it works well.

Friday, January 01, 2016

Moving Forward 2016

I have a lot planned, which usually ends poorly for me, but I'm hoping to set myself up with a lot of opportunities so that even if I miss a few I still land a few others. Firstly, I'll be going back to college almost as soon as the New Year hits, so a lot of my time will be devoured by that. Losing weight, or at least a bigger focus on personal health is another one of my major goals, it's something I've been putting off for far too long now, and I know it'd really improve many aspects of my life. I also have many "projects" I'm working on (a campaign setting for a tabletop game, making a board game, writing a book, some blog related things, starting a youtube channel, that Pokemon rom hack, and a few other possibilities come to mind) and I've decided to make sure to complete at least one of these in 2016, or at least make damn good progress, I'm leaning towards making a board game, but I'm still not totally sure. I want to travel too, not far, just around, which will require me getting my shit together financially in order to pull that off, I'm hoping that will be feasible this year, but that's kind of a toss up. There are some other minor goals, like cook more, continue playing DnD and continue writing for this blog as much as I can of course. Speaking of this blog, here's some plans I have for It Is A Title this year.