Tuesday, January 03, 2017

Moving Forward 2017

Hullo all. I kind of let this blog slip to the wayside due to both school and my personal life distracting me. I'm a little disappointed, but ended up writing a decent amount, even though I know I can do more. I had several ideas, and a few games I wound up never really talking about. As it stands though I still managed to pump out thirty four entries over the last year, which is decent enough for me.

School is starting up again next week, and I'm taking more classes than I have taken yet. This doesn't bode well for this blog, but as a hobby it will always be the first casualty. I expect things to run as normal with sporadic updates throughout the year, I'm very confident at the absolute worst I'll be able to match last year's output. I have a few ideas I've been wanting to bring to light, at the forefront of my mind is various retrospectives which cover entire series' of games, though that requires a bit of effort that I'm not sure if I'll be able to live up to or not right now.

There are numerous things I want to casually chat about on this blog, many of which will eventually make their way here. For example though, just as the year turned I re-watched every Star Wars movie. While I really want to talk about this series there isn't much left to say. Would, essentially, rehashing other's opinions be worth anything? I'm not sure, but I'm leaning towards no. There are other avenues into that particular universe I could address though.

As per usual this has wound up being a rambling bit of nothing to try and make up for a lack of posts over the last while.  Before we part ways though, I'd like to highlight some plans, or at least desires, for the next year of It Is A Title, I hope you stick around.

Variety - Considering video games are my primary hobby it makes sense that "Game I Beat" be my go to posts. I'd really like to expand further into my other interests though from TV and movies to comics and especially into board gaming. Over the last year or so I've gained a lot of interest in the realm of tabletop games and want to both express my opinions, and practice writing about a slightly different medium.

New Series - There is always a great deal of different ideas floating around in my head, sadly most of which wind up being put on the back burner if not outright forgotten. There are so many things that I absolutely adore that I feel compelled to write about, but I don't feel comfortable writing about things strictly from memory. Creating new avenues to talk about things aside from that which I've recently beaten or experienced is a continuing goal.

New Approaches - Unfortunately I tend to fall into a rhythm, especially when I feel uninspired. As such a lot of my blog entries feel less than inspired. I'd really like to pay more attention to my style of writing, and my general approach to things. I want to experiment more, this blog exists as a staging platform for all of my interests, but also as a kind of writing exercise program. I need to take more advantage of the latter more.

Video - This is the most in the air topic, though it's always been a huge desire of mine to create video content of some sort. While the market is well beyond flooded as of now, I not only just enjoy the idea, but I would really love to work with some form of video production. This could be anything from simple vlog style videos (though I promise it would never be me just talking about my life), to podcast style discussions, to let's play, to reviews, to more in depth style videos. This one is more of a dream that has always been there in the back of my mind since the mid to late 2000's. While 2017 might not be the year it starts happening I should be creating a PC capable of doing more, so at the very least it's a step in the right direction.

If you've read this far, I love you. Thank you for taking your time to read my thoughts and opinions on the wholly unnecessary. If you're anything like me the unnecessary still manages to be quite important. While my output may be slow, or at least sporadic, I will never abandon my post and hope you're here for the ride. Be it a short stint, or as a loyal follower I care not. While this may be a largely personal project I'm sharing it online to share with every and anyone who is interested in similar subjects.

Here's to another three hundred and sixty five. Happy New Year all!

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