Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Road to Justice

I know I'm still in the middle of Summer of Screams, which I hope to still get a few more entries in even if it slips a bit into September, but time is of the essence. On March 28th, 2016 Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice is coming to theaters, and on that day we will be ready. This is the Road to Justice.
For no good reason a friend and I have planned out a thirty one week long movie marathon, to watch every single DC related movie before Dawn of Justice comes out. Our schedule will bring us right up to the week of release. There's a lot of garbage to trudge through, and sadly a lot of garbage I had hoped to keep out of my life forever, but we're committed. I've decided to write my thoughts on these movies, as what would be a better time to do so? Expect one movie a week.

These blogs will probably be pretty short in general, I plan to briefly talk about my thoughts going into the film, whether I've seen it or not and what I'm expecting. Then a bit about my thoughts on the movie having freshly seen it. I've also looked into a lot of bonus material to watch alongside these movies (old serials, old cartoons, fan films, cartoon shorts, etc.) and I'll talk about them as well (didn't watch anything along with the first movie though sadly). To finish each one off I'll write about the best part of the movie or the worst part of the movie, depending on what stands out more.

As always, a sincere thank you to anyone who visits here regularly, or even just stumbles on this and gives it a serious look through. Refer to the schedule for the movies here, or above, if you want to watch along, or just want to see when I'll get around to talking about specific movies. We did have to drop a few, and a few are technically TV pilots, but I wanted to include as much stuff as possible. I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I'm sure too! And yes, I did plan out a Marvel movie marathon, but that won't come around until early 2018.

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