Thursday, January 04, 2018

Moving Forward 2018

Hullo all. It Is A Title hit a bit of a lull there towards the end of 2017. Truth be told the last half of that year was a bit rougher than I had been used to, but here's to moving forward eh? I just went back and looked at my previous "Moving Forward" blogs, and last year's specifically made me smile. Without intending to, I basically copied the intro from then. Maybe I've become predictable? Oh dear.

I did miss out on writing about several major releases that I wish I had gotten around to addressing here. Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, Super Mario Odyssey, Sonic Mania, Star Wars Battlefront II, Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind, Logan, mother!, The Shape of Water, The Last Jedi, Galaktikon II Become the Storm, Black Mirror Season 4, Dark Knights Metal, and that's just some of the new releases I want to talk about. I'm sure several of these will wind up being written about later, especially when Breath of the Wild has had a lengthy, yet still half written blog, sitting in draft form since release.

It wasn't all dreary though. I got to experience numerous fantastic experiences, and even talked about some of them a bit here! On top of that a friend and I were finally able to start recording a podcast, which we have been trying to organize for a while. I'm backlogged with editing, and currently we're still trying to figure out a solid schedule to record more regularly, but so far we're both quite happy with how things are going. My plan is to keep pushing it further and potentially, finally, start getting some kind of video content created. I've wanted to work with video for so long now it's almost criminal I haven't gotten around to it yet.

As with every year, my goal for 2018 is to write even more. Aside from the semi-sizable list above there are several other bits of media I'd like to explore, and potentially post more original pieces as well. I'll certainly have a wealth to talk about coming up. My only real resolution for the year is to watch, listen, play and read something new every month, with the intent to try and step out of my comfort zone as much as possible. Other than that I'm quite happy with where the blog is at, aside from the slow drip of posts throughout the year. Let's see how well I utilize 2018.

Here's to making sure 2018 makes up for a lackluster 2017. Here's to reigniting the creative side of my soul and writing more, both here and otherwise. Here's to the state of the world, and how I hope with all my heart we can all manage to turn things around. Escapism is more tempting than ever, but at this point might be a luxury we shouldn't be abusing as much as we might want. Here's to projecting my feelings on everyone by slyly putting "we" in sentences!

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