Thursday, January 08, 2015

Moving Forward 2015

Hullo all! Apologies for the recent silence. I meant to post some more blogs in December but caught up in all the holiday cheer with family and procrastination. Fuck. Thanks for visiting though! I don't get many comments, but I've been getting a steady number of views and I cannot express how grateful I am that you'd stop by to read my thoughts on things. While this is just a hobby, I'm really passionate about games and writing, so it's been a really helpful exercise in getting back into a writing groove.

The thing is though, I started college up earlier this week and I'm not totally sure where that leaves this blog. I certainly plan on continuing to update it, and while my base line goal is to get more entries written than the year prior going forward, I don't know how often that will be. If it seems quiet from time to time I'm probably just busy with school/work stuff, so bare with me.

In most regards 2014 wasn't that great a year for me, mostly due to my own inaction, but the one thing I actually got serious back into was writing this blog. Randomly upon sitting down and emulating fucking Crisis Beat of all things I suddenly got the urge to just write about it. And from there I wanted to write more. I've always loved writing, but post-High School have found myself writing scarcely if at all. So while my audience may be small, or maybe even just accidental, I'm grateful for your clicks! All I can promise is to keep writing and sharing it here for whoever finds it to read.

Worst case scenario I hope to write at least one entry a month (this entry not included), and during break times I assume I'll be able to churn out more. However, I do have a three hour break between two of my classes so maybe I'll end up writing a lot during that time. It's hard to say right now, but I wanted to write something about what's going on this year going forward. I do have at least four blogs in various stages of being written at least. I'm still on the fence on whether to do a Games of 2014 post since I didn't get to play all the games I would have liked to this year. For those curious, Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze probably won my number one spot.

I hope you've enjoyed my ravings, and I hope you enjoy whatever I may end up posting here in the future! Thank you, so so much!


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