Saturday, October 06, 2012

Let's Play: Project Zomboid

My wife laying on the bed bleeding to death next to me. I go to the cupboard to retrieve sheets to create make shift bandages. I grab the pillow, by... accident? I hold it in my hands and stare through it at the floor. These thoughts cannot be my own. I fail to abandon it, but push the thoughts aside as I rip up a sheet for my wife's leg. It's not a bite, thank God... or whatever's out there. But an injury this severe. I don't know how we'll... We will persevere. Her smile resurrects my resolve, I love her.

After feeding her some pain pills she nods of for a nap as I go to the nearby shed. This isn't our house, and it won't be our home for any real length of time. Unless... One step at a time. I come back with some wood and nails and a hammer. Enough to start fortifying the home front. About an hour later there's at least a board on every window and door on the first floor of the house. Our of supplies I head upstairs. My wife must have been awakened by the noise. She greets me but I can barely hear her over the roar of my stomach.

She begins to tear up and clutches at my hand. Don't go she begs. How can I say no to her? I brush my hand along her face and agree to wait out my hunger for at least one more night. She shivered and silently cried all night. I think she knew.

As the morning sun breached our bedroom we awoke. Brightness filled our faces as we say each other, but her leg was a swift reminder of the grim reality of life now. I kissed her and quickly got dressed. My stomach needed food. She didn't want me to go, but she understood there was no other option with her leg like that.

I took off towards town. There was a mini mart right next to the home we had claimed as our own, lots of food was sure to be contained within it's walls. I bypassed a zombie, then another. Two zombies no problem. I emptied out the vending machines out front, as I headed towards the doors I cursed my luck. More zombies than helpful supplies were residing in the store. I turned and realized more zombies are suddenly appeared, as if a hoard had swarmed in right behind me. There was no barricade on the back door.

Sprinting through the group, ten, twenty, thirty, I lost count. It doesn't matter. So long as she is safe. She is my world and none of this matters. I made it back. Two were right next to the door, but ignoring it for now. I managed to sneak in, but realized I had no more building supplies with which to protect any vulnerable entrances. It mattered not. I bolted the door then went to my wifes side. Sleeping. So beautiful and perfect. As I kissed her forehead she sleepily looked at me and smiled before drifting back to sleep. A sharp scratching tore me aware from my wife.

They were everywhere. Every window and door being attacked. I felt as though the house would crumble in on itself. Maybe even prayed. I pulled out my hammer, the closest thing to a weapon, and a friend, since arriving at this house. Why did we think it would work? I knew it wouldn't work. No time for that now. The door crashes in and I dive at the group hammer swinging wildly. My wife calls for me, but I'm no longer capable of responding. Everything fades to black as a pain unspeakable spread throughout my body and the horrifying realization I didn't even shut my wife's door in my frenzied state.

Why didn't I just save her from all of this yesterday...? The thought vanished with me, images of the undead heading upstairs reflected in my sad, hollow eyes.

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