Thursday, July 09, 2009

Magical Quest: Starring Mickey Mouse

I don't know if this game is easy or hard. It's incredibly easy to die, or I just really suck, but death doesn't really mean much. You have three lives, and each time you die you start the level over. Though once you hit the game over screen you have two options, continue, or don't. If you hit continue its as if all you did was just lose a life. The only hitch is that you lose your accumulated score, but since when has anyway one really cared about that in a non-competitive setting? Since never.

The game itself is pretty fun. Switching suits is actually kinda nifty. You start with regular Mickey who can just grab shit. Then you get a Magician's suit which allows you to fire a magic shot, which you can also charge, as well as swim under water for nigh infinity. Next you get a Fireman suit which is helpful on the Fire Grotto world in which you receive it. I dunno if it becomes helpful again, but its pretty cool using it in that level alone. Lastly you get a Climbers suit which adds a bit of Bionic Commando to the game which I thought was neat. It was this world that I finally stopped playing, though I'm also incredibly tired.

I'll play it through to the end, I mean its hard not to. The bosses can kill you pretty damn easily, but as soon as you get the pattern down for killing them they're cake. They all follow the same basic structure thus far, which is a little disappointing, but they all throw in enough curve balls which ramps up the difficulty a bit. They all take a surprising amount of hits too. I'm used to Mario's three hit kill rule, but it doesn't apply here. It takes no less than ten hits to kill the first mini-boss. Again, at first he's kind of irritating, but after a retry or two he's really easy to dispose of.

Speaking of Mario, in this game you cannot run. In fact the button you press to run in Mario, which in almost every platformer I play I'm now programmed to hold that down, are used to activate the various functions of the suit. Suits rely on a bar for power too, so if you're not careful you can run out of magic or water. That happened to me once and resulted in a quick death. Though that's not the game's fault, it was my own irresponsibility.

One last note, the SNES controller I was using was a bit... iffy. I'm not blaming it for my failure to beat the game automatically, however I'm thinking about investing in a new controller. I thought I might have to do that for my original Gamecube controller, which had a broken C-Stick for I can't even remember how long, but I tore it apart and managed to fix it. All I did was open it up and move it around. It took a while to put back together though cause I messed up the placement of the Z button. That was pretty fun though.

I don't have much else to say about this game aside from the fact that it's surprisingly addictive, though its nowhere near as nice as other platformers, even on the SNES itself. I probably won't go back to it for a while. I mean the last time I played this game was when I was like seven or something. Ah, good times. I should write about Video Update sometime, it was a pretty bomb store.


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